Good fortune is possible, away from. There may be fear from thieves, powerful persons, poison and weapons. The effects of the Sun Mahadasha and Antardasha are as follows: Sun Mahadasha Sun Antardasha; The period of Sun Mahadasha Sun Antardasha is known to go on for exactly about 110 days which when comprehended comes around to be around 3 months and 18 days. Hence under each dasha, 9 bhuktis are allocated. It sheds light on how the sub-period planet interacts with the primary planet, influencing specific areas of life. There are several Dasha systems, of these the Vimshottari is generally applicable, accurate and is the first Dasha system you learn. Jupiter Mahadasha - Golden Period of an Individual’s Life. According to it, 3 Nakshatras are proportioned out to each planet, which makes the number of Nakshatras count to 27 for all the nine planets. 🔆 You will become part of this rat race and chase material things. Your life will revolve around good deeds, something that soothes your soul. महादशा अंतर्दशा फलित Mahadasha antar dasha phal 12 Rashi Swami Grah (12 राशियों के अनुसार उनके स्व. Sun Mahadasha It is a component of the Mahadasha system, which makes predictions about things that will happen in the future with regard to relationships, wealth, health, and work. If you are interested to know mahadasha, you must check your dasha using our dasha calculator. Family members like father and brothers may be harmed, wife may be ailing and conflicts are possible. The native gets inclined towards worship of gods and Brahmins. . Sun indicates soul and spiritual articulation. The native involves himself in industries and trades, especially in artisan works. Making predictions is a necessary analysis. The Maha-Dasha sequence is, Ketu Mahadasha 7yrs, Venus mahadasha is the longest at 20…In this Video We are going to discuss the Mahadasha and Antardasharesults of planets in the most easiest and simplest method. Online will calculate your vedic astrology Vimshottari dasha antardasha predictions from date of birth. Vimshottari Dasha Periods by Date of Birth, Lahiri Ayanamsa. It is of a disposition. Vimshottari Dasha, mahadasha and antardasha effects, mahadasha and antardasha analysis, mahadasha and antardasha prediction. Ketu mahadasha marriage not consider good. The Vimshottari dasha is linked to the system of. Physical heat may increase and there may be pain due to vrana ailment and ailments. Antardasha is the Hindu astrological term for a minor cycle of planetary influence that occurs within a mahadasha. Interest in worshiping God and in superior shastra arise. The starting up Dasha or Mahadasha at the time of Birth can be that of the lord of the Nakshatra wherein the Moon is placed, which specific Nakshatra is called the "Janma nakshatra. Ketu is a non-materialistic and spiritual planet that lies in the shadows of the Moon. First look back and try to tally the events with the past planetary patterns and then try to predict the future. The meaning of the word Maha is very large or great and the meaning of Dasha is a period of time. For example - To find Antardasha of the Sun in the Mahadasha of Venus, multiply the dasha of Venus with the dasha of Sun and then divide the product with 120 to get the result. A Mahadasha Calculator or an Antardasha Calculator is ideal for calculating or figuring out the particular Mahadasha and Antardasha periods in your birth chart. The last sub-period is the same as the Rashi of the. It is one of the most beneficial. Rahu Mahadasha Analysis. The Sun afflicted in 2nd or 7th gives unhappy results and maraka effects such that native remains in ill health. Effect of the Rahu Mahadasha Mercury Antardasha. One may attain beautiful clothes, attain wealth and worldly comforts. Venus Mahadasha (Shukra Mahadasha) : 20 years. Time of Conception - An Analysis. Vimshottari Dasha is the most logical and accurate dasha system to predict the event of the past, future, and present of a person’s life such as your marital, career and health predictions. 0:00 / 34:54. When the auto-complete results are available, use the up and down arrows to review and Enter to select. 8K views 10 months ago. Here the sub lord negates the education script. And Functional malefic will give bad results during their Vimshottari dasha. You might start facing relationship challenges and ego clashes because of family members. There is a possibility of loss of position and incurring the anger of the state. There are several Dasha systems, of these the Vimshottari is generally applicable, accurate and is the first Dasha system you learn. It is a graphical representation of a person's birth details, planetary positions, and other astrological aspects. Therefore in Venus Mahadasha, the first Antardasha will be of Venus itself, and then the Sun, and so on. Ketu Maha Dasha mental agony and lack of happiness too. Imprudent acts may cause losses. The mind may be misled and mental tension increases. Please enter your date of birth details to understand what exact current dasha period. 30E Vimshottari Antar Dasha Bhogya Dasha at birth Sat 12 Year 11 Month 7 DaysRole of Rahu Mahadasha in Venus Antardasha. You can experience all planetary Antardashas in your lifetime. In our analysis, we will be using the VIMSHOTTARI dash system. . Each Mahadasha is managed by a different planet and by extension has different names. When Rahu Mahadasha finishes, the respect, fame, and worldly things the natives have earned come to an end. In Mercury Dasa-bhukti, the native becomes efficient due to education and discriminative faculty. People at the workplace get promotions and hikes in salary. You can feel blessed by getting spiritually inclined during this phase. Mahadasha and Antardasha Analysis at Mahadasha. Sun Mahadasha. It is called as ‘Bhukti’ or ‘Antardasha’ or ‘sub period’. Want To Get Precise Predictions For Vimshottari Mahadasha? Consult With The Best Online Astrologers. Vimshottari Dasha Online Calculator (Vedic Astrology Planetary Periods) Mahadashas is divided into nine segments called Antar Dasha or sub-periods. 00E 82. They do so in the antardasha of the planet associated with it. Those familiar with the Vimshottari Dasha know that the sub-period of the Mahadasha usually starts with the very same ruler as the Mahadasha and then progresses from there. Antardasha of Mars in Mercury Mahadasha. The first dasha (period) is determined by the Nakshatra that the sidereal Moon is tenanting at the time of birth. The view of information generated for the horoscope is about positions of. You can feel blessed by getting spiritually inclined. Your senses will be always active in this dasha. For example Venus Mahadasha, the placement of planet venus is important. But, in the Chara Dasha system, it is not so. If both. The best thing that can happen during this Dasha is that you will learn to cope up with all the hardships of your life. comCalculation of Dasha and Antardasha. Explore. The effect depends on some factors. Free Horoscope Dasha Antardasha information. Tagged with: Mahadasha and Antardasha in Vedic Astrology, results of Vimshottari Mahadashas, Results of Dasha of various house lords, Analysis of Dasha According to Position of Planets, Mahadasha of the twelve house of Kundali, effects of maha dasha & antar dasha, Vimshottari Dasha, mahadasha and antardasha effects,. The effect depends on some factors. Antardashas: sub-periods of Mahadashas. Effect of the Rahu Mahadasha Saturn Antardasha. Mercury Mahadasha Mercury Antardasha. 30E Vimshottari Antar Dasha Bhogya Dasha at birth Mar 6. Our website offers highly accurate and reliable Indian Vedic Horoscope or Jadagam. For example, Venus rules to Libra (Thua) and Taurus (Rishaba). Sun will have Antar Dasa of (6*1/120)*20 = 1 year. It usually represents love, beauty, compassion, luxuries, and enjoyment in life. Sani & Rahu are the most dangerous planets for divorces. The Karmic axis will operate as. Victim of deception or scams. > Exalted planet will give – good result. 02. You will see a lot of good things in. Therefore, in 20 years the. 8, so the antardasha will stay for a time span of eight months. The career and personal lives are pejoratively impacted during the Moon Mahadasha. A native’s life is stated to work according to the Mahadashas, Antardashas, and Pratyantar Dashas of planets in the birth chart. Meaning of Vimshottari Mahadasha. 10N 079. The data will be saved and you can browse various charts, Vimshottari dasa tables, Ashtaka varga tables and complete predictions based on your input. Sun Mahadasha Venus Antardasha Creating a perfect balance and harmony is possible by the soft and flexible Venus meeting the energetic and intense Sun. The Antardashas of different planets in Mahadashas of particular planet can be calculated in a similar manner. These two periods will. Conflicts with friends and family due to your anger and temperament occurs. After that, the dasha sequence will go in the same order. Mercury Mahadasha Mercury Antardasha is all about empowering individuals with knowledge and nurturing successful careers. Vedic Astrology learning Course Chapter 9: Mahadasha, Antardasha and Pratyantardasha. It will help us to tell your solar signUsing this Mahadasha Calculator you can find exactly what you are looking for. 03. Today. Each mahadasha is also subdivided into planetary periods called Bhukti, which run in the same order as the mahadashas, and with the same proportional length. 2. The Mahadasha of the Sun is very important in Vedic astrology. For this we have the Dasha systems. Here 120 is used since the while Vimshottari dasha is of 120 years. 3 of day + 2 of month + 7 of year = 12. It is the time when the Sun’s energy, the planet of the self, power, and authority, is most prominent and can have a profound effect on an individual’s life. . Shani Mahadasha in Ketu Antardasha. The Sun afflicted in 2nd or 7th gives unhappy results and maraka effects such that native remains in ill health. How to know Mahadasha in Kundli? There is a specific procedure in Vedic astrology to find out the Mahadasha period. Free Astrology ToolsThese yogini dashas can make and break your life. The Mahadasha of Jupiter (Guru) planet is a long period of 16 years as per I previously explained in Mahadasha. किसी जातक की कुण्डली में राहु की दशा या अंतरदशा (Rahu Mahadasha or Antardasha) चल रही हो तो उसे क्या समस्या आएगी। अपनी. Ketu Antardasha in Ketu Mahadasha. Venus-Rahu Dasha: Rahu in trines, angles or 11th house from Venus or the Lagna indicates success in an undertaking, increased wealth and prosperity, loss of enemies, favour from superiors, pilgrimage, success in the election, and attainment of ministerial position. It is believed that based on your Karma you get rewarded or punished during the Shani Mahadasha. Effect of the Rahu Mahadasha Jupiter Antardasha. 4. The native will experience a huge. If a person want to attain wealth, success or popularity, mahadasha need to support them. Saturn: The mighty Saturn is a very slow-moving planet and it takes around 29. , can be predicted through this Dasha system. Ketu with Mercury infuses equally positive and negative effects in one’s life. Sani maha dasha lasts for 19 years & Rahu maha dasha lasts for 18 years and during its maha dasha/antar dasha, in transit if it gets. 3 years, or 3 months 18 days. An individual’s birthchart/ Kundali is divided into 12 houses, each. Each of the seven planets and the two lunar nodes (making the nine navagraha) has its own period or mahadasha in the cycle. In Vedic astrology, a kundli is a Birth Chart or a Horoscope. Each mahadasha is believed to be subdivided into multiple antardashas, each of which is associated with a different planet and represents a different area of influence in a person’s life. On the other hand, Bhukti (minor planetary period) is the smaller units of time within the Dasha (major planetary period). This phase is called Vimshottari Mahadasha. If the Sun is in bad houses—6th, 8th, or 12th—or conjunct evil planets, there may be loss of wealth, rulers' wrath, and disgrace and authority. Analysis of Dasha According to Position of Planets. राहु की महादशा का प्रभाव, फल और उपाय Rahu Mahadasha: Effects and Remedies. You will feel blessed during the good part of the Mahadasha. Try this when you have some time free. Tagged with: Mahadasha and Antardasha in Vedic Astrology, results of Vimshottari Mahadashas, Results of Dasha of various house lords, Analysis of Dasha According to Position of Planets, Mahadasha of the twelve house of Kundali, effects of maha dasha & antar dasha, Vimshottari Dasha, mahadasha and antardasha effects,. You can get a free analysis of your birth chart from websites like or but you will not be able to get a free Mahadasha or Antardasha analysis. For each mahadasha, the dasha lord is taken into consideration. 33E 82. Ketu mahadasha career shows break or sudden change in career. Saturn Mahadasha. 8. Win over enemies. In Vedic astrology, the concept of Mahadasha and Antardasha holds significant importance. The Ukraine Astrological Chart Analysis For Upcoming Events :- Date – 2 March 2022 Running dasha –> Jupiter Mahadasha Venus Antardasha Moon Pratyantardasha Here, I’m directly using advance house significator of Ukraine running dasha planets. (Not for beginners. Sun will have Antar Dasa of (6*1/120)*20 = 1 year. A particular stretch of time in an individual's lifespan is ruled by a particular planet. Aug 13, 2019 - Venus Mahadasha Antardasha effects with all the planets based on Vedic Astrology. 57E 82. Mahadasha Online Calculator based on date of birth as per vedic astrology, N. Full horoscope and predictions, dasa. Rahu Mahadasha and Desperate Me: During the Mahadasha of the planet, you become GRAHA ROOP i. To understand what Vimshottari Dasha is, we need to understand a particular dasha or planetary period which indicates either a good or a bad time ahead, based on your Zodiac, and the influence of. Accordingly, we're going to examine the consequences of both malefic and benefic Mercury. How to make a Vedic Numerology Grid: Ht. As it is known that the Sun is considered to be the factor of the soul. They aren. Within this, you will experience the following antardasha/sub-periods. It is a simple software, but it displays all the relevant information about a janma kundali, and of course it is free. 20 x 6 = 120 = 12 months and 0 x 3 days = 12 months. Aug. Native becomes a lot more creative and fluent in speech. It places on clothes. (Not for beginners. Venus planet is famous as a helpful planet for. From this, you can understand Dasha's importance, which has a deep and serious effect on us. Current Dasha Calculator. All you want to know about Free Horoscope Dasha Antardasha at our website. Types of Dasha in Kundli. com, which is the only platform where you get the complete horoscope analysis based on Vedic Astrology and Dasha. It can predict any event in an astrology chart. It brings outcome in the pursuance to its stability, strength and status in your natal chart. +91 9654648978; Search for. This Nakshatra is one of Most important Anga in Panch-anga system for. Ketu Mahadasha Ketu Antardasha. Budh ki mahadasha me guru ki antardasha | Mercury mahadasha jupiter antradashaABOUT THIS VIDEO. A bit of statistics, Venus is retrograde in approx 5% of the charts, Mercury 8%, Mars 7%, Jupiter 22% and Saturn 26%. During the Saturn mahadasha Jupiter antardasha, the knowledge, courage and willpower get a boost. This particular time is very crucial and difficult for everybody as per Indian. Employee. See moreVimshottari Dasha Vedic Astrology Periods Calculator, Free Online Mahadasha. If Running dasha planet is placed in exalted or debilitated or friendly or enemy sign based on that you’ll get good or bad or mixed result that is. It is a benefic and tender planet, watery feminine energy. Venus mahadasha Saturn antradasha (written as Venus-Saturn) Or Saturn mahadasha Venus antardasha is the worst possible combination for the antardasha. Fear of king and obstacles in work may be possible. Lose belief in God and disobey Brahmins. You are aware of Mahadasha and Antardasha. The Saturn mahadasha Saturn antardasha results in problems at the workplace and gastric issues health-wise. While the 12th house of giving up, 8th is the house of transformation.